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Nelson Saibo, Professor (PhD)

Plant Gene Regulation Laboratory, ITQB, Lisbon

“New insights into different regulatory networks controlling   both plant responses to environmental cues and C4 photosynthesis”

21st of February 10.00-11.00h

David Caparros Ruiz, Doctor (PhD)

Universitat Autònonma de Barcelona, CRAG,Espanha

“The role of O-methyltransferases in lignin biosynthesis in maize”

21st of February 11.15-12.00h

Luísa Vasconcelos, Doctor (PhD)

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon

“The study of innate behavior using the fruit fly”

21st of February 14.30-15.30h

Carmen Marín, Professor

León University, Spain

“A newly described function of the TP73 tumour suppressor gene as an architect of epithelial tissue”

21st of February15.30-16.15h

Patrícia Monteiro, Professor

Neuroscience Department, ICVS/

Medical school, University of Minho, Braga

“Genetics models of Autism Spectrum Disorders”

22nd of february 9.30-10.30h

Olga Amaral, Doctor (PhD)

Human Genetics Department, INSA, Porto

“Novel tools in cell and molecular biology: induced pluripotent stem cells in the field of lysosomal storage disorders”

22nd of February 10.30-11.15h

Joaquim Sá, Genetic counseling specialist

CGC Genetics / Centro de Genética Clínica, Unilabs, Porto

"The usefulness of medical genetics in real clinical practice"

22nd of February 11.30-12.00h

Joana Azeredo, Professor

Biological Engineering Department,                University of Minho

“The biotechnological potential of bacteriophages to control infectious diseases”

22nd of February 14.30-15.30h

Agostinho Antunes, Professor

CIIMAR, University of Porto

Understanding Adaptation with Genomics and Bioinformatics: Biotechnological Relevance

22nd of February 15.30-16.15h

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