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Mais sobre a Professora Carmen Marín

I am Associate Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Leon and the Principal Investigator (ORCID: 0000-0002-7149-287X) of the research group: Cellular Differentiation and Development of Cell Models at the Instituto of Biomedicine (IBIOMED). I am the author of 40 articles with an accumulated impact factor of 357.33 (JCR-2018), h-index =25, i10-index= 31, and more than 4649 citations. I have a Bachelor degree in Biology from the University of Salamanca, and obtained my PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, affiliated to the University of Texas, and supported by an NIH fellowship. My PhD work focused on the functional interaction between p53 and Bcl-2 during lymphomagenesis. During my postdoctoral training, I worked at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Harvard University) in Dr. William G.. Kaelin laboratory (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019) supported by a postdoctoral NIH Training grant and HHMI funds. My work was essential for the initial description of p73, the first p53-homologe identified. During this training, I authored 6 scientific papers and 1 review, all in top 10% impact factor journals. The relevance of my work is highlighted by the fact that two of these publications are considered citation classics, with more than 600 citations each one, and another two that score more than 400 citations each. Since my incorporation to the University of Leon in 2005, despite of being in a small institution, the group that I lead has published 13 scientific articles, some of them in top journals like Nature Cell Biology, Cell Death & Differentiation, Cell Death & Disease, among others, and nowadays is considered one of the leading groups in the p73 field worldwide. The group has been funded continuously by competitive, overlapping, national and regional grants. As shown by our publications, we maintain active collaborations with top international groups leaders in our working area. Moreover, the group holds a solid and productive collaboration with biotech companies like the Instituto Biomar, S.A., in order to develop physiologically relevant differentiation model systems for the screening of pharmacological candidate compounds. These projects have been funded by competitive national grants (PETRI, PROFIT, RETOS-COLABORACION). Since my integration at the University of León, I have supervised 7 PhD students and 13 Master theses and I am the co-inventor of a patent. Moreover, all my former trainees are currently working in scientific institutions, biotech companies or have a science related career. Along with my research experience, I try to be active in knowledge transfer, lecturing Cell Biology courses in several bachelor and master programs at the University of León. I also participate in woman empowering programs and contribute to several initiatives for Women and Girls in Science as well as diffusion activities through scientific news agencies and local media.

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